FreeConferenceCall Blog

Announcing Conference Keywords

Ever try to find that specific brilliant insight, or even just ONE relevant comment within the recording of an hours-long conference call? It can be kind of a nightmare, right? Well fortunately for you (and your sanity), we’ve partnered with VoiceBase to deploy a new Conference Keywords tool. 

This opt-in service will help you search spoken keywords as you would text in a digital document. It’s sort of like the classic “CTRL+F” for your calls, but even better. Why? Because our technology does all the work analyzing which phrases were “key” to the overall conversation, and then provides you a phrase list in an email once the call is complete. That list of terms then links to the associated parts of your recording, saving you loads of time in “skipping to the good parts” when revisiting the call. 

Because we also value your privacy, the keyword phrase list is 100% yours to delete, keep, or share with the world via the Export to Evernote function. 

So whether you are an attorney reviewing a witness interview, a businessperson reviewing a vendor call, or ­desperately trying to remember what Aunt Jane said she wanted for her birthday in the middle of her 45 minute story, Conference Keywords is for you!  – Josh Lowenthal, COO





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