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Building Business Resilience with a Remote Workforce

It’s been a record-setting season for natural disasters, from hurricanes to fires to floods to earthquakes. Recovering from these disasters will take years as people rebuild both their homes and their businesses. Even businesses that avoided a direct hit are still forced to wait out the economic tailspin — particularly in tourist-driven economies. Businesses with a remote workforce, however, may be more agile in the aftermath.

The Impact of a Remote Workforce

How can a business protect itself and encourage long-term resilience? Because whatever you believe about the causes of global warming, its effects will continue to be felt. That means it’s up to each business to develop a strategy for weathering future storms. FM Link, a facilities management company specializing in workplace strategy, recently described how remote working can positively impact business resilience.

From reducing costs to enhancing post-disaster productivity, having virtual teams running virtual meetings can be a highly effective way to improve resilience. A well-developed remote workforce is equipped to collaborate and communicate remotely, so everything from workplace fires to actual disasters become easier to manage. And, as contributor Diane Coles Levine explained, “During a disruption such as a power outage or flood, telecommuting can help companies avoid a total shutdown by relying on remote employees to perform critical business functions.”

Develop Your Remote Workforce: Practice Makes Perfect

Remote worker video conferencing on a laptop in a park

Levine cautions against providing telecommuting options only as a reaction to a disaster. Employees need time to adjust to a new work style.

“If employees do not work from home regularly, the first few times may be confusing. Companies should train, test and practice with technology. This will ensure that everything runs smoothly in a future disruption.”

Keep in mind that a remote workforce doesn’t require expensive technology to succeed. It’s more important to provide remote workers with an easy-to-use platform, accessible using conferencing apps for every device. And remember that virtual teams need lots of ways to connect. Choose a communication and collaboration service that supports video conferencing, screen sharing, VoIP audio and conferencing dial-in numbers.

Have questions about how to connect your employees remotely? Reach out to our award-winning Customer Care team 24/7 at (844) 844-1322 or email

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