FreeConferenceCall Blog

Connecting the World with One App!

We understand that your conferencing necessities don’t end in the United States and you often need to communicate with individuals in other countries. If this is the case, you will want to take advantage of our FreeConferenceCallInternational App! Whether you need to speak to friends, family, or colleagues this App gives you all the tools you need at the palm of your hand!

The App combines your FreeConferenceCallInternational accounts in one convenient location. This grouping gives you all the tools necessary to invite, archive different accounts, and connect to your conference calls. Below is an image of what the app looks like: International service navigation for United Kingdom

As you can see, it is easy to archive accounts, connect to a conference, and invite other callers!

Okay, you love the app, now how to get on your iPhone or Android?

From Apple Store and Google Play search ‘FreeConferenceCallInternational’. Once the app is installed on your phone simply tab on ‘Edit’. If you already have an account, simply select ‘add existing host’. Don’t worry, if you don’t have an international account yet, you can register right from your app by selecting ‘Create New’. mobile app with an edit, create new, add exisiting host and add guest access button

If you are not familiar with our FreeConferenceCall International service, here is a brief description of it: This free conferencing service provides local dial-in numbers in 25+ countries around the world that all connect on the same conference call line. To learn more, visit our international site.

Feel free to leave any questions here on the blog, or call us at 877-482-5838 (562 437-1411 if calling outside the U.S.!

We hope you love the app as much as we do! Till next time readers!

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