FreeConferenceCall Blog

Employee Mobility and What It Means to Your Unified Communications Strategy

By President Bob Wise 

Technology is transforming the world—and the way we do business. With an increasingly mobile and global workforce, more companies of all sizes are turning to phone and online conferences as a convenient, cost-effective way to stay connected with their employees, partners, vendors and customers. 

Many large companies are signing contracts with conferencing and collaboration providers to meet these developing needs, but are quickly realizing one startling fact: their employees are often using another provider, despite the expensive contract. In order to combat the trend of Bring Your Own Conferencing (BYOC), it’s critical for decision-makers to take a minute to think about the needs and behaviors of the employees using these services. 

What Most Employees Want 

The younger, more digitally-inclined generations that are now entering the workforce are redefining the workplace. With companies becoming more flexible and employees having more input in how, when and where they work, we’re seeing a dramatic rise in things like mobile offices. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), by the end of the 2020, mobile workers will account for nearly three quarters (72.3%) of the total U.S. workforce. 

This growing trend is making affordable, reliable and easy-to-use ways to communicate on-the-go more important than ever as employees, partners, clients and vendors are rarely in the same room when they’re communicating and collaborating. For Business helps businesses adjust to the ever-evolving modern workplace by providing employees the most flexible tools and services at the most disruptive prices. 

What Most Businesses Need 

More than $3 billion is wasted annually on toll-free audio conferencing. As many companies continue to pay millions per year for toll-free conferencing access, others are figuring out there has been a dramatic shift in the telecommunications market. With bundled long-distance pricing and employees’ increasing use of their own devices, it’s no longer necessary to pay for expensive toll-free conferencing access. With For Business, businesses save up to 80 percent on conferencing while enjoying the same high-quality, secure and reliable conferencing and collaboration services. 

Ultimately, the goal of Unified Communications and collaboration is more effectively connecting your employees, and you can’t do that without a balanced focus on what your employees want, alongside careful management of company resources and brand. With current users in nearly all the Fortune 500, there’s a good chance your employees are already using, so it may be time to find out the benefits in both time and cost savings. 

For more information on how for Business can help connect you and your business to its employees, clients and partners, please visit our website.





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