FreeConferenceCall Blog Celebrates 17 Years of Consumer Privacy Protection

By Josh Lowenthal, President of 

The recent Facebook data breach scandal has spurred nationwide conversations over consumer privacy protection in the digital age. Caught with a lax privacy policy and a long history of collecting consumer data without clear consent, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is dealing with pressure from Congress, a precipitous decline in user trust and investor skepticism on the long-term viability of his business model.

During this time of debate and change, we wanted to remind our customers that we don’t sell, share or “accidentally” leak your personal information. From day one of operations 17 years ago, our CEO made a conscious decision to put our customers first by safeguarding their personal information. The customer will always be “king” in our eyes.

Our business model has never required customers to give up their expectations of privacy in exchange for our valuable, free service. And despite being 100 percent free, our business is not dependent on collecting or selling your information. Our innovative business model is built on agreements with telecom companies, which means our more than 40 million customers can be completely confident using our service today and in the future as privacy laws and regulations change.

All users of our free services can rest assured that we are steadfast in our decision to never sell customer data. For our EU customers, we are in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). And those who choose to pay a small monthly fee for upgraded features, we also adhere to the highest standards for data security including our PCI DSS certification – a third-party audit and review process for companies that confirms the use of best practices in securing payment cards and information.

So rest assured, your data will be secure with and if you want some tips for increasing your level of protection online with other providers, TechCrunch offers some great suggestions here:

  1. Install HTTPS everywhere
  2. Use tracker blockers
  3. Use an ad blocker
  4. Tape over your webcam
  5. Disable location services

We are extremely proud to offer our free services to millions of educators, ministers, employees, families, nonprofit organizations, business owners and so many others. The teams at are focused on providing high-quality, reliable and secure platforms. We thank our customers for putting their trust in us to connect them with people all over the world, and we do not take that responsibility lightly.

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