FreeConferenceCall Blog

How to Ace a Video Conference Interview (Part 1)

With the rise in remote workers and the growing quality and cost-effectiveness of video conferencing, it’s no wonder that 60% of recruiters incorporate it into the interview process. If you’re looking for tips, you’ve come to the right place. This two-part series is a compilation of top tips, the what’s what in virtual meeting preparation. In other words, it’s everything you need to know for your next video conference interview. In the first part, below, we lay the groundwork for a successful meeting.

Do the Prep Work

  • Be time conscious. That means (a) arrive on the video conferencing platform on time and (b) leave enough time for the interview.
  • Be familiar with the platform. Familiarity doesn’t breed contempt, in this case; it breeds confidence — something every interviewee needs. Don’t forget a mic and webcam check before your meeting. For the webcam, the goal is to frame the face.
  • Do your company research. Go through the website, read the blog, search for articles and press releases so you are familiar with the company and up on the latest news.
  • Do some personal reflection. List skills and strengths and write CAR stories (Challenges, Actions and Results) about accomplishments.
  • Do what you need to relax. Whether it is deep breathing, yoga or shaking out the nervous energy with a jog, take the time you need to calmly prepare.

4 Steps to Establishing a Distraction-Free Zone

  1. The Human: Don’t overcomplicate interview attire. Dress professionally, opt for neutral colors and avoid jewelry that pulls focus away from you.
  2. The Devices: Switch off alerts and sounds on your phone or tablet. No one needs to hear your friend pinging you.
  3. The Background: While you don’t need to locate an unadorned wall, you should definitely choose an uncluttered area. Watch for windows that provide too much back lighting. (It’s a good idea to check how your lighting appears at the time of day you’re planning to have the call.) If you are conducting the video conference interview at home, make sure there are no dirty dishes or posters from the last concert you attended.
  4. The Environment: If possible, clear out all people and pets. If you’ve got them, you know what they’re capable of.

With the prep work done and interview zone carefully prepared, the battle is half won. How do you prepare yourself for an interview? We would love to hear about it in the comments section. And be sure to stay tuned for Part 2, where we take on 3Cs: communication, connection and confidence.

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