FreeConferenceCall Blog

How to Record Conference Calls using Web Controls

Using the online web controls to record your conference call is easy. Once the conference is recorded, it is available via the playback number (provide upon registration and listed in your account), web playback (covered next week) and can be downloaded to your computer to use at your discretion. These options allow you to share the recording with those that may have missed the call or for recap.

To begin recording login to your account at the time of your conference and set the Live Conference button to the On position. Next, click the Recording button to On and a prompt will announce that recording has been activated. To stop and save the recording, click Off and a prompt will announce that recording has been stopped. If you do not have access to your online web controls, the * (star) 9  touch tone command can be used instead to record.

After a recording has been created, it can be accessed in the Conference History and Recordings tab. From here, you can do any of the following by clicking the respective icon:

  1. View the details of a conference call
  2. Playback recorded conference calls
  3. Create a URL link to share recordings with others
  4. Download recordings as a .WAV or .MP3 file
  5. Delete recordings

* Click image to enlarge

Come back next week, we’ll be covering additional features offered by and announce our Customer of the Month!

Have a great weekend!

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