Hi there, international conference callers. FreeConferenceCall.com is excited to announce a new addition to our global roster. WIth every free account, users can now conference call Afghanistan.
How it Works
Are you a host?To find the dial-in number, login to your account and click View List under Account Information. Then simply provide participants in Afghanistan with the secure, local in-country dial-in number and your access code, along with the date and time of the meeting. At the scheduled time of the conference, participants dial in, enter the access code, and are connected.
Are you a participant calling from Afghanistan? You can now get your own free account, featuring high-definition audio, screen sharing and video conferencing for up to 1,000 participants. Other high-quality, free features on this intuitive, easy-to-use platform include:
- Audio and visual recording
- Customizable landing page
- Desktop and mobile apps
- 24/7 Customer Care support
Want to learn more about international conferencing with FreeConferenceCall.com? View a list of available countries.