FreeConferenceCall Blog

Quick Guide: Recording Your Calls

Did you know that every account comes with a free recording and playback feature? Our conference call recording feature makes it easy to start and stop recordings during your calls, and recorded calls may be accessed either online or via telephone. Share your playback number, access code and recording reference number with your team so they may review recorded meetings. Downloading your calls as WAV, MP3, or podcast formats makes sharing simple and easy.

Ready to start recording your meetings? See below for quick tips on how to record, access, and archive your calls.

Recording a Call

  • While hosting a call, simply enter *9 to begin recording. You will hear a prompt that announces the recording session has started.
  • To stop your recording at any time, press *9 once more. Another prompt will announce that the recording has stopped.
  • Stopping the recording automatically saves your recorded calls to your account.

Listening to a Recording

  • Log on to your account.
  • Access the History & Recordings page on your account and click on the speaker icon under Recording Options to play your recording.
  • From your History & Recordings page, you’ll also have the option to download your calls to WAV, MP3, or podcast formats.
  • For added privacy, you may also assign passwords to any of your calls on your History & Recordings page.

Share Your Recordings

  • To share your recordings with callers, you will need to provide them your playback number, access code, and call reference number.
  • Your playback number is different from your conference dial-in number. To find your playback number, log on to your account. In your Account Information section you will click on the downward pointing arrow and you’ll find your playback number and access code.
  • On your History & Recordings page, you’ll find your archived calls. Each recording is assigned a unique reference number that callers must use to access a specific call.
  • Dial the playback number, and then provide your access code and reference number to listen to your recorded call.
  • You can also share a link of your recordings which your callers will be able to access via web. The link is automatically pre-populated for your convenience and can be found under the History & Recordings page. Once you locate the Recording Options, the link can be found by clicking on the very last icon which is the rightward pointing arrow.

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