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6 Reasons Freelancers Should Host Online Video Conferences with Their Customers

Build Relationships with Your Customers and Leave a Lasting Impression

When running a freelance business, your clients can come from all over the world. Often, you may never meet your clients in person at all. While professional relationships like this are becoming increasingly normal, it’s not the optimal option for doing business with a client. To maximize your freelancing opportunities, you want to leave lasting impressions with every client and colleague you work with. You can do that by building a strong relationship with your customers and business partners in ways that are only available when meeting face-to-face. A video conferencing platform allows you to do just that without the need for travel or more equipment than what you’re already using. If you have a computer with a webcam or a smartphone with a front-facing camera, you’re all set to get started building your loyal clientele! We’ve come up with six reasons freelancers should have a powerful online conferencing platform for working with remote clients.

1. Formally greet your clients

While it’s nice to put a face to your work, it’s even better to add your personality to your brand image. When working with clients, speaking with them face-to-face using a video conferencing platform can greatly improve your relationships with them. Video conferencing allows users to share micro expressions and different reactions to either emphasize a sentiment towards a project or highlight how all parties on the call feel about an idea.

2. Share reports effectively

Often, agencies and large businesses send reports via email or other messaging system. These messages are impersonal and can get repetitive. The person on the receiving end of those reports may not have any idea what the charts and numbers mean, which makes those reports highly invaluable to clients. Take the opportunity to outperform larger companies by providing a personalized report for each one of your clients. With a tool like screen sharing, you can easily convey your ideas and highlight areas of your report that you want to go over in greater detail. With a better understanding of how your contributions help their business, it’s much more likely that your clients will want you to continue your contract or have you back for future work.

3. Enhance your brand’s messaging

With a private video communications platform, you’re free to customize any details you see fit. Want users to know exactly who you are right when they arrive to your conference line? Add a pre-recorded greeting and share details about your company, like what you do or your company’s mission statement. Looking to spread awareness about your brand? Customize your meeting wall with details about your company and how your clients can get in touch. Add information like your social media handles or your email so clients can easily get in contact with you whenever needed.

4. Look professional

When you’ve got your video conferencing line fully customized with your company’s specifications, clients will take notice to your effort and expertise. A branded conference line and a service that allows face-to-face interactions allows you to manipulate the narrative around your business anyways you see fit. Are you catering your services to dentists, doctors and others in the medical field? How about showing your expertise by adding references to your previous work where clients can easily reference. Want to make a big impression on your next client? Dress for success and wear formal clothing so you project an image of professionalism without having to leave the comfort of your home.

5. Faster communication

Nobody likes playing email tag with clients or other colleagues, especially when it comes to collaborating on a project and getting things done. The fastest way to communicate key details about your client’s projects is to give them a call and have an open discussion about the topic. While an audio-only call works fine, a video conference offers a much more robust experience, sharing even the smallest details that can leave a huge impact on your project’s success. Whenever possible opt for speaking with your clients over your conference line. Not only will you be able to speed through projects, you’ll have an easier time conveying your most important information without adding confusion.

6. Save money

Freelancers that use video conferencing to communicate with clients are more likely to save money and time on travel and meeting expenses. Before the internet, freelancers and contractors would meet face to face with clients to discuss conditions of a contract. Now, freelancers have much more flexibility, able to connect with anyone anywhere in the world using a secure internet connection and a Wi-Fi-enabled device. With the option of meeting every one of your clients no matter where they are in the world at your local Starbucks or library, it’s no wonder video telecommunications is a must-have tool for all freelancers and contractors.

Get More Done with Video Conferencing

Whether you work from home or at an office, it’s imperative that you’re keeping your brand consistent across all your communications and using your tools as best you can to boost your image. Using a video conferencing platform helps you share different aspects of your business and personality.





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