FreeConferenceCall Blog

Recap Conferences or Make it Creative with the Broadcaster comes with a full suite of tools for hosting professional meetings. This week we are covering The Broadcaster and Record features. In this post you will learn more on how the Broadcaster allows you to play recorded audio files during live conferences using the In-Conference Broadcast window found on the right of the Conference View page. You may broadcast any previously recorded conference stored in your account and any .WAV or MP3 files. To play a file while hosting a call, make sure you are logged into your account. Open the Broadcaster window and click on the green play icon located to the left of recording file. As the recording or audio file is being played, use the tools located on the left hand side to pause, stop and resume. The Broadcaster window can also be minimized at anytime.  Below are screen shots that show how to use the Broadcaster tool.

*Click image to enlarge

  1. Broadcast Controls – Once a recording has started, you can stop, pause or replay the recording by using the broadcast controls on the left side of the broadcaster.
  2. Broadcaster Loop – To have the recording loop, click the broadcaster loop button to the right of the play button
  3. Description – To locate a file faster use the description box to name recordings.
  4. Delete – Click the trashcan icon to delete a recording from the broadcaster.

To upload a file, click the ‘uploaded files’ tab and locate the upload icon in the top right corner of the broadcaster. Click the icon, find the file you wish to upload and click open.

The broadcaster is a great way to share recorded files during live conference calls. Check back Thursday, where we’ll cover the recording and playback feature!

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