FreeConferenceCall Blog

What is my VoiceBox type?

One of the great features of SimpleVoiceBox is that it provides the option to configure your VoiceBox type after a caller has listened to your recording/greeting.

Below is a description of the three (3) different VoiceBox types to help you decide which is best for you!

  1. Playback Only The caller can only listen to that VoiceBox’s greeting. Once the recording is done playing, the message will repeat.
  2. Playback and Record The caller can listen to that VoiceBox’s greeting and leave a recorded message. This feature works like a traditional voice mail system.
  3. Dial Out After the caller has listened to that VoiceBox’s greeting, the system will then forward them to a cell phone or land line number of your cho osing.

If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact our customer service department at or call 877-482-5838 (562-437-1411 if calling outside the U.S.).

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